Big Trip - Eat cookies

quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2008

1st of random series from ma' big trip:

eat cookies_res

"Do one of those blurry picture with the cookie on focus."-Luís

"You smell like popcorns..."-Me

"WOOOT are eating?!How can that be happening!You used to take a deep breath as lunch!."-Me

This is Luís, the  main reason that this trip was made. It was suppose to be a trip of one week in Prague with him and Lena and Lucy (I'll tell you about her later on),but It turned to be Vienna (Austria)-> Prague (Rep.Czech) -> Krakow(Poland).

By the way:

"Here in the foreign countries your  not useful knowledge  reveals very  interesting...."-Me

Thank you for reading the lonely planet guide for us!You're the greatest (and cheapest ) guide I ever had!:p

-Praga,June 2008

3 comentários:

Carlos Fonseca disse...

A Foto tá fixolas :D
Tão mas andas a passear é? muito bem muito bem :P
tb quero lool

PerleKes disse...

yep..foi mt bom:)
devias fazer o mm
trip:autria(viena)-> Rep.Checa(praga) -> polonia(cracóvia)

Carlos Fonseca disse...

Um dia :)
tenho outras cidades onde inda quero ir primeiro :P